MamaBe Authentic Birthing Program provides you and your birth partner with effective tools and transformative practices for a positive and confident journey of childbirth.
The MamaBe® Authentic Birthing Program is an opportunity for expectant parents to prepare for labour and childbirth together. In this workshop, you and your birth partner will learn and practice essential positions and breathing for labour and delivery, as well as inner coping techniques to help cultivate a positive childbirth across all circumstances and stages of childbirth. This program will empower you both to navigate the journey of your baby's birth with indispensable tools and understandings, while cultivating a greater understanding, enjoyment and confidence in pregnancy, labour and delivery.
Couples will learn and practice together:
• Essential breathing techniques for labour and delivery
• Effective birthing positions to facilitate labour and childbirth
• Transformative MamaBe coping practices to meet the challenges of labour
• Specific ways to empower partners to best support Mama in labour and childbirth
• Exercises to deepen connection for the 'three' of you, and guided meditation together
The presence and encouragement of a woman's partner is a powerful aid to labour and delivery. This workshop will give both parents specific tools and techniques to encourage a supportive and positive childbirth experience.
MamaBe Authentic Birthing Sessions specifically address the context of labour and delivery, empowering both parents with specific practices to navigate the extraordinary journey of childbirth with greater trust, ease and confidence. Although it's helpful, and recommended, to explore the range of topics offered by traditional childbirth classes, this program is unique –in the MamaBe Authentic Birthing Couples Workshop you will focus entirely on the context of labour and delivery. You will have expert guidance and important practice time in order to learn and integrate specific inner coping practices that will transform your inner experience, bringing greater trust, ease and confidence to the unfolding of childbirth– as a mother, as a couple, as parents, as a family.
These sessions are recommended for couples anytime during either the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Prior experience of any kind is absolutely not necessary. The MamaBe Pregnancy Yoga classes are recommended for expectant Mama in order to provide ideal integration time for foundational practices.
A printed, detailed and illustrated booklet is provided to each participant for home practice. This will include all course notes, as well as quick, illustrated reference sheets to bring with you into labour and delivery.
Please scroll down to read some of the recent participants' reflections and reach out to Clearlight directly anytime if you have questions. Register below for the next in-studio workshop, or access the online, recorded version.
Private Sessions Designed for You
Whether this will be your first delivery, or you are wanting to build your toolset to meet your second (or third) delivery with calm and confidence, these sessions are designed to meet your unique needs and circumstances.
Please contact Clearlight for more information and with any questions. We can look at what topics and practices you would like to focus on, including breathing and movements to facilitate greater ease in labour and delivery, specific ways for your partner or birth partner to be truly helpful and involved, and internal coping techniques to positively transform your inner experience.
On-Demand, Anytime from Anywhere
The online, recorded version of this program is offered in six modules including both lecture and experiential practices that you can view at your own time, and at your own pace. The course includes the following topics:
The online Couples Workshop was recorded livestream with a group of expectant couples. Once you sign up for the online workshop, you will have access to the recording for the remainder of your pregnancy. Complete written and illustrated Home Study Guide is provided as a downloadable PDF.
Click below to view the complete summary of all the topics covered in this program.
I just wanted to send word to let you know that our baby boy has arrived. He is in perfect health. The delivery went very well and I am very grateful to you because the skills I worked on in classes with you were extremely helpful and got me through it. I was induced last week and was able to manage the pain entirely through the breathing exercises you taught me as well as some of the positions we learned in your workshop.
We welcomed a beautiful baby girl via successful VBAC –she is such a relaxed little lady. Thank you so much for your Preparing for Childbirth course. I felt so empowered, having the skills I needed to cope with the intense contractions of induced labour, and I could see how confident Zac felt to partner me. The class gave us a shared vocabulary of coping mechanisms and really set us up to share in the birth experience. We really can’t say thank you enough.
Clearlight is warm and relaxed, and the workshop helped us feel prepared and excited to meet the challenges and adventure of childbirth! It was an excellent preparation, with really helpful, positive and non-judgmental presentation of useful information. The supplemental information (pdfs) are really nice to have to synthesize information. We also really appreciated the inclusive language!
I just wanted to say thank you very much for the wonderful childbirth preparation workshop. It has really helped me feel better prepared for the birth and more equipped with tools to manage the pain! It was also really enjoyable and a nice way to share in the process with my husband!
We used every single tool during labor which made the three days of labor tolerable and intervention-free as we originally wished. Thank you so much for everything.
L'accouchement s'est hyper bien déroulé en maison de naissance. Ton cours d'accompagnement m'a bien aidé à lâcher prise. Si bien que la petite est sorti en moins de 4 heures suites à la première contraction!!!
I have to say a major THANK YOU for the couples prenatal class that my husband and I did with you. I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy totally naturally, just the way I wanted and I know a big part of that was the preparation we had in your course. So thank you!!!
I really can't thank you enough for all you did to help me prepare for the labour. Although it had its challenges, I have been looking back on the birth day with so much fondness. I'm so proud of what we achieved that day...I was so empowered and my husband and I were a true team. Your workshop totally gave him confidence to play an active role that day. And my goodness, you did not lie about the deep guttural moan and how much it helps. It got me through 12hrs of active induced labour without an epidural. I kept saying to myself over and over "this too will pass". And it did. All to say the tools I went in with were indispensable.
We had a really great labour and birth experience and owe so much to the "tool kit" your classes prepared us with!! Labour came on gradually throughout the day and was totally manageable with the breathing techniques and yoga ball. We went for a nice walk, went out to lunch (where Dave told the patrons I was in labour and they all waved and wished me luck as we left-lol), watched TV. We left for the hospital late afternoon, I was admitted at 6pm, and then baby came really fast! While this was surprising, I managed well with staying in the moment, yoga ball and floor, and of course...animal noises!
Thank you again for all your help in getting us ready for this experience. The breathing reminders and inner sanctuary practice in class really helped me out. And the couples workshop definitely made Jason more confident in his role in helping me keep on track with breathing and coping with the pain - and it gave me more trust in him knowing that he had been "trained" for the role.
We are both very grateful for everything we learned from you! My labour was kind of nuts and quick (my water broke on Saturday evening, they decided to induce at 8:30 Sunday morning, and then he was born at 10:58am!) and felt a little out of control towards the end, but I really appreciated having your voice in my head reminding me, for example, to vocalize low, which was a life saver. Things happened so fast that even our doula barely made it in time, and Graham was also amazing and confident supporting me, breathing with me, applying pressure to my back, etc. Thank you!
My delivery went really well! After hours of labour, I went on my knees on the bed, leaning on a medicine ball and swinging my hips (wow did that feel good)... and right away, first contractions in that position and SPLOOSH! I was suddenly in a pool of water! Finally! Jeb was amazing, he assisted the nurses and midwife and watched everything! Holding my legs, massaging me in between contractions.. poor him, he was exhausted. Apparently, I was quite strong during a contractions and he had a hard time holding my leg up, it was a workout for him too!
As first-time parents, we really appreciated Clearlight's guidance, positivity, reassurance and energy. After the workshop we flt more confident in ourselves and will definitley use her positivity as we take the next big challenge in our lives! Thank you so much!
The best prenatal course we took in preparation for our little one's arrival! Not only was it informative but also relaxing, allowing us one more day to connect as partners in body, mind and spirit before we become a family of three!
Clearlight is wonderful, her knowledge embodied, her teaching generous and practical. The information she provides is not at all redundant with the resources the health system provides and I am grateful for what I learned. It has given me a sense of empowerment in my pregnancy that I shall carry like an amulet regardless of how and where the birth unfolds.
It was our best prenatal class by far. We spent some very good quality time together that day and keep it in good memory. We had a wonderful birth, very much thanks to your course, which I highly recommend to everybody. I didn't need to use any drugs and had a very positive experience. Thank you!
I loved this workshop... I've taken four separate childbirth classes during my pregnancy, and Clearlight's Childbirth Workshop was the only one that gave me the tools to deal with my inner world –what to do if I panic! I feel much more confident and prepared now.
I want to thank you for the enriching and valuable workshop that you offer couples like us. Although you covered many topics and techniques, the only thing I could remember while in labour was how to breathe. It helped me stay calm, open up, work with the contractions. You also gave my husband tools to work with that gave him a certain confidence during this new and intense experience. I am happy to say that the experience was wonderful and turned out better than ever imagined!
I honestly can't wait for the upcoming workshop. It helped me tremendously the last time, and it will be such a perfect timing for me, 3 weeks before my due date, to really get in touch with that part of myself that just knows what to do... And let it take over when the time comes. Thank you so much for your work, you really have a very positive impact on many lives, many families.
We cannot imagine a better birthing coach than Clearlight. She understands that every birth is unique, and introduces you to tools for meeting every challenge. We also very much appreciated her inclusive attitude reflected in communication (husbands or partners, acknowledging individual differences in couples like us with twins or our neighbor for whom it was a second birth).
We absolutely loved the workshop. Neither of us are really into yoga, so we weren't sure what to expect or whether we'd think it was too 'strange' for us, but were delightfully surprised by how much we liked it. Clearlight, we especially liked your style. On the ride home, Jeff kept saying, "she was amazing". You managed to be intense and yet relaxed, goofy and yet serious. I will recommend this class to all of my friends and I hope to come back for the mom and baby yoga, too!
As a healthcare professional, I enjoyed the non-medical emphasis of the workshop. The value of the medical model and medical technology was not diminished. Yet, alternatives to mainstream practices were offered that were more patient-focused. It was also helpful that Clearlight validated some of the things I'd already taught my husband.
I loved the emphasis on the importance of the husband/partner in the labour process. The best part of the workshop was coming out with concrete ways he could help prepare and support me in labour and birth. My husband especially appreciated the effort made to make the men/non-yoga participants feel comfortable. He loved the massage section, and liked knowing there were things he could do to help me and be more than a by-stander.
This was the second time we took your workshop. Four years later, we are so grateful to take this workshop for a second time... we feel it was a great refresher, and we took new knowledge home with us. It helped me regain confidence in preparing for delivery, and it empowered my husband with practical strategies and positions to help us prepare for the different stages of labor.
My little one was born on January 14th. It was a total of 6 hours of labour and about 15 minutes of pushing. My goal with this second pregnancy was to have a natural birth, since with my first I was induced and got an epidural. Thanks to all the techniques and discussions that we saw/had in your classes and workshop, I was able to accomplish a natural birth. It felt really really great and the nurses and doctors were impressed with me. From the very moment we stepped into the hospital, Amar was an amazing coach. He kept reminding me to breathe (he would even breathe along with me) and he would suggest different positions and massage my hands. The thing that helped me the most, was the thought of appreciating the pain because it was there to bring me my baby (I had the pain over for tea! Haha). Thank you so much for all the knowledge Clearlight!
Thanks to the toolbox you provided us during your workshop, I was able to cope with the pain while my husband did a fantastic job coaching me and helping me through each contraction. I welcomed each contraction, knowing that the wave would pass and that with each one, we would be closer to meeting our little baby. I am happy to say that after nearly 20 hours of intense contractions and 1 hour of pushing, our little girl, Abigail was born via a successful, completely natural, VBAC!! We very much appreciate all you taught us during your workshop and the insight you provided us. I don't know how I would have been able to cope (naturally) during the labour process had we not taken your workshop. The medical staff at the hospital were quite impressed with me, as I was still happily smiling at 8cm dilated, unmedicated!
We have participated in this workshop during both our pregnancies and recommend it to everyone we speak to. There is nothing stiff or traditional about this course and that is something that my husband and I have sincerely appreciated both times we joined the workshop. I'd like to specify that I didn't choose the words "attend the workshop" because this workshop is really about interacting and PARTICIPATING (not simply "attending and listening"). My husband and I have a close relationship to begin with, and we felt even more connected after the workshop... connected to one another, to our baby, to the human side of life by forgetting all the stuff going on in the outside world. We both felt empowered and confident that we have the tools and knowledge to work through the labour as a team and bring our child into the world with love. Clearlight's teachings are so insightful and refreshing. Her explanations are clear and her anecdotes are relatable and oftentimes funny. I love that we can laugh out loud as comfortably in our own living room! Her tone is calming, and even when she explains topics that seem out of the ordinary, they are approached with a sense of humour and realness. We really feel like no other book, website, or course is as comprehensive or successful in approaching the subject of childbirth in a way that brings the couple together.
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