Live, Online and On-Demand Classes & Workshops
Scroll down this page to view the schedule, learn more
and access practices today
Mondays 7:45 pm EST (80 min)
Fridays 12 noon EST (60 min)
.... plus over 100 recorded, unique practices...Clearlight’s Mindful Yoga is a synthesis of her 30+ years of yogic study and practice. She offers a unique approach that addresses not just the needs of your body, but also your energetic anatomy and life journey, and the quest to find meaning and peace in this lifetime. Enjoy themed practices live online or anytime.
• Overview Schedule and Library
Mindful Yoga in-studio classes are also available in Montréal.
Morning Equinox Practice
Saturday, March 22, 2025
7:00 - 8:30 AM EDT
Live, Online
Roll out of bed and welcome Spring with gentle movement, pranayama, mudra and meditation in the company of friends!
The Spring Equinox marks a shift, the hours of daylight are now longer than those of darkness... the Northern hemisphere gently awakens from its Winter slumber. The microcosm of your body-mind also experiences an energetic shift, and this yoga practice provides the context, care and attention that nourishes this seasonal transition.
Fee: $26 (or included in membership)
Wednesdays at 12 noon EST (20 min)
February 12th - March 19th, 2025
Your meditation practice nourishes your health and wellbeing at all levels –physically, emotionally, spiritually, and is particularly sweet and effective when practiced in the company of others. These short sessions are designed for the realities of busy days, you are invited to join from where ever you are, at your desk, on your couch, at your mat... video on or off, it all works. These sessions are open to all –beginners and experienced meditators alike.
All are welcome
(or, if you prefer, email Clearlight)
Deep Rest Meditation Library
Choose from a variety of themes and lengths
Deep Rest Meditation is practiced to:
• Relax deeply and release stress
• Support healing on all levels
• Discover an innate peace and wellbeing that you can align with in the midst of all life's circumstances.
Members enjoy a large library of on-demand meditations... Learn more
MamaBe Pregnancy Practice Series
Discover the 2nd Trimester and 3rd Trimester specialized on-demand practice series. Plus, over 100 MamaBe Yoga classes for Pregnancy and Childbirth.
MamaBe Pregnancy Yoga is a holistic, transformative approach to prenatal wellness and childbirth preparation that empowers you to navigate your unique journey of pregnancy and birth with strength, confidence and calm.
Learn more and view the complete list of offerings:
Unlimited access with membership
About MamaBe Pregnancy Yoga
MamaBe Pregnancy in-studio classes are also available in Montréal.
MamaBe Mama & Baby
Specialized Postpartum Practices
Learn more here and view the complete on-demand practices... includes a movement series especially designed for Mama after delivery, practices for Mama and baby, baby massage and song, and so much more...
About MamaBe Baby Yoga. Unlimited access with membership
Wednesdays at 12 noon EST (20 min)
to March 19th, 2025
Live, Online via Zoom
You are welcome to join anytime.
"Sometimes I need
only to stand
wherever I am
to be blessed."
- Mary Oliver
Your meditation practice nourishes your health and wellbeing at all levels –physically, emotionally, spiritually, and is particularly sweet and effective when practiced in the company of others.
These short sessions are designed for the realities of busy days, you are invited to join from wherever you are. Practice at your desk, on your couch, at your mat... video on or off, it all works.
These sessions are open to all –beginners and experienced meditators alike. Join anytime.
Cost: Free
Register Here for the Free Meditation Gatherings
(or, if you prefer, email Clearlight)
See the complete listing of online classes at the top of this page.
View the in-studio class schedule here.
Morning Equinox Practice
Saturday, March 22, 2025
7:00 - 8:30 AM EDT
Live, Online via Zoom
Roll out of bed and welcome Spring with gentle movement to awaken the body, pranayama and mudra to move subtle vital energies, and meditation to rest in sweet stillness.
The Spring Equinox marks a shift, the hours of daylight are now longer than those of darkness... the Northern hemisphere gently awakens from its Winter slumber. The microcosm of your body-mind also experiences an energetic shift, this yoga practice will give you the care and attention that nourishes this seasonal transition.
Signing up:
$26 taxes in, (or included in membership*)
Please note the fee is non-refundable, see note about recording access below.
*Learn more about unlimited access with membership
The recording of this practice will join the library of practices, and thus will be available to members to access any time. Those who register for only this practice will have access to the recording for 3 weeks following the gathering.
See the complete listing of online classes at the top of this page.
View the in-studio class schedule here.
Email Clearlight anytime. 💚
Deep Rest Meditation for Sleep
The recording of this practice is now available to all membership-holders.
Brush your teeth, gather your pillows and blankets, and get ready to enjoy a restorative deep rest that will bring you a deeper sense of ease, and invite a sweet and long sleep on this late Winter's Eve.
Deep Rest Yoga Nidra Meditation is practiced to:
• Relax deeply and release stress
• Support healing on all levels
• Discover an innate peace and reservoir wellbeing
Yoga Nidra is typically practiced lying down, of course you can sit if you prefer. The practice asks of us only to release effort... and in this letting go of trying to direct our inner experience, we become available for the gifts of spontaneous healing and insight. This particular meditation will be led with an invitation for a restorative depth of sleep to nourish and replenish vital energies.
The recording of this practice will join the library of Deep Rest Yoga Nidra Meditation practices, and thus will be available to members to access any time.
Those who register for only this practice gathering, you will have access to the recording for 3 weeks following the gathering.
Learn more about unlimited access with membership
Note to Members: If you would like to learn more about ways to support a better sleep for yourself or loved ones, and to access more guided practices, please be reminded you have access to the three-part 'Release Into Sleep' program (in the Special Events and Workshops section, viewable when you log in.)
See the complete listing of online classes at the top of this page.
View the in-studio class schedule here.
Online classes and workshops are accessible with a Monthly Membership which will give you unlimited access to all live-streamed practices and to the extensive libraries of recorded practices and teachings. Once you sign up, you will have ten days to try any of the classes free of charge, and if you choose to stay on, your membership will then be renewed automatically each month, and can be cancelled easily at your end, anytime. The all-inclusive monthly fee is $39 per month (taxes included).
The spirit here is simplicity, accessibility, and community. Clearlight is always available and will respond to any questions that may arise, and is also here to help if you have any technical issues.
Special programs (including the MamaBe Authentic Birthing Program, and the MamaBe Certification Program) are not included in the monthly membership. Please sign up to access these programs individually.
If you have a membership, sign in here to access your dashboard.
If you are looking for in-studio classes, visit here.
You will have unlimited access to recent practice recordings and to a growing library of practices that includes:
In addition to specialized, pre-recorded practices that are regularly offered and made available to you, all livestream classes are recorded and added to the practice libraries weekly.
In the Montréal area, and interested in a studio practice? Check out the upcoming in-person classes and workshops.
Recording now available to all members.
Wise Decisions: Illuminating Right Action and Best Response
Seeking a deeper sense of ease and wellbeing? Craving insight or clarity to some aspect of your life? Needing a rest deeper than you've been getting at night? Yoga Nidra meditation is a special practice, simple and yet powerful.
On March 16th, we gather live, online for a specialized Deep Rest meditation designed to help you access your perfect response and right path in the face of difficult decisions or circumstances, and to do so with a wisdom and confidence that can only come from direct inner knowing. This special practice offers a reliable method for moving past confusion and inner conflict, in order to align with your best and authentic action in life.
Be sure to access the extensive library of Yoga Nidra meditations (log in and click on the Yoga Nidra course box), but also know it can be helpful to practice together live in community every so often. We gather to share in this practice to explore subtle realms and access innate wisdom and healing.
Be sure to have lots of pillows and blankets on hand. We will begin by checking in as a group (videos on or off, your choice) and Clearlight will then invite you to settle in for the deep rest meditation that follows.
Relieving Anxiety & Finding Peace • Working with Opposites
Parts I & II of this workshop series now available on-demand for all members.
Yoga and Meditation offer an abundance of practices and tools that you can learn and skillfully apply to best support yourself in stressful, anxious times.
Skillfully address stress and anxiety with the somatic approach of working with opposites, referred in the Yoga Sutras as pratipaksha bhavanam.
Join this second of a series of livestream workshops designed to empower you with ways to fearlessly navigate anxiety, to skillfully apply techniques to help you return to an authentic sense of calm and center.
In this second workshop, 'Working with Opposites' you will:
Livestream workshop. Open to all members.
Learning, discussion and a fully guided yoga nidra meditation. This workshop does not include a movement practice.
(Go to Special Events for the Zoom link)
Unlimited access with membership
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© 2025 Clearlight Gerald / MamaBe®